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Minutes for HB2483 - Committee on Commerce, Labor and Economic Development
Short Title
Eliminating the requirement to conduct a recurring 911 implementation audit, a recurring KPERS audit and certain economic development incentive audits.
Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 12, 2024
Chairman Tarwater opened the hearing on HB2483.
Charles Reimer, Revisor, provided an overview of the bill.
Representative Kristey Williams proposed an amendment regarding language about incentives and audits.(Attachment 1)
Charles Reimer, Revisor, provided an overview of the amendment.
Kristey Williams motioned to amend HB2483. Representative Blew seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Representative Hoffman proposed an amendment to clarify the language of HB2483
Representative Hoffman moved to amend HB2483. Representative Probst seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Representative Borjon motioned to pass HB2483 as amended. Seconded by representative Probst. The motion passed.