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Dec. 11, 2024
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Minutes for HB2679 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Authorizing the director of vehicles to waive the knowledge and skills test for driving a commercial vehicle for an applicant that provides evidence that such applicant qualifies for the military even exchange program for commercial driver's licenses.

Minutes Content for Mon, Feb 12, 2024

Chris Waggoner provided the committee with a briefing of the bill.(Attachment1)

Kent Selk gave testimony to  HB2679 purporting  that, combined with the authorized skills test waiver, this legislation would allow for a qualified driver to exchange a military license for a CDL.  (Attachment 2)

Deann Williams provided the committee with written only testimony in support of the bill.   (Attachment 3)

There were no opponents and no neutral testimonies.   

The chair closed the hearing on HB2679.