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Minutes for HB2616 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Prohibiting the disqualification of certain individuals as election poll workers by county election officers on the basis of residency or registered voter status.
Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 13, 2024
Chairperson Proctor opened the hearing on HB2616 and recognized Assistant Revisor, Mike Heim, Office of Revisor of Statutes who presented overview of the bill and statutes. (Attachment 10)
Conferees providing proponent testimony for HB2616 included:
Kim Borchers, Kansas Citizen testified in support for HB2616. (Attachment 11)
Providing written-only proponent testimony included:
Kari Sue Vosburgh, We The People - Kansas; Sedgwick County Precinct Committeewoman (Attachment 12)
Jaime Kissinger, We The People - Kansas; Precinct Committeewoman (Attachment 13)
Brett Anderson, Kansas Citizen (Attachment 14)
Written-only neutral testimony for HB2616 included:
Clay Barker, Deputy Secretary of State, General Counsel (Attachment 15)
Chairperson Proctor closed the hearing on HB2616.