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Minutes for HB2608 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Authorizing the animal health commissioner to adopt rules and regulations to administer the poultry disease control act and to establish an annual participation fee not to exceed $50 for participation in the national poultry improvement plan, a certification fee not to exceed $50 for persons performing testing and diagnostic services and a testing fee not to exceed $100 per visit to each location participating in the plan.
Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 6, 2024
Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB 2608 and requested Revisor Hamilton to give an overview of the bill. (Attachment 13) There were no questions.
Appearing as a proponent was Kelsey Olson, Deputy Secretary, Kansas Department of Agriculture. (Attachment 14) She stood for questions. She introduced Dr. Justin Smith, Animal Health Commissioner, and Dr. Sara McReynolds, Assistant Animal Health Commissioner. Dr. Smith answered questions from Committee members.
Taylor Nikkel, Kansas Livestock Association, provided proponent testimony. (Attachment 15) Ms. Nikkel stood for questions.
There being no other testimony, Chairman Rahjes closed the hearing on HB 2608.
The next scheduled meeting of the House Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, February 7, 2024. Chairman Rahjes announced Ernie Minton, from Kansas State University's College of Agriculture will be giving the presentation tomorrow.
The meeting adjourned at 4:57 p.m.