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Minutes for SB360 - Committee on Education
Short Title
Allowing a taxpayer to elect the taxable year in which a subtraction modification for contributions to a 529 program account, ABLE account or first-time home buyer savings account would be applied and authorizing the state treasurer to appoint a 529 program advisory council.
Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 6, 2024
Chair Baumgardner opened the discussion on SB360. Revisor Tamera Lawrence gave a brief review of the bill. The Chair requested a motion to work or pass the bill.
Senator Gossage moved, Senator O'Shea seconded, a motion to work the bill.
The Revisor requested a technical amendment to replace all reference to an Advisor Counsel to Advisor Committee. Senator Dietrich moved and Senator Pettey seconded, a motion to accept the proposed amendment. The motion passed on a voice vote.
Senator Gossage moved and Senator Straub seconded, to recommend SB360, as amended, favorably for passage. The motion passed on a voice vote.
Chair Baumgardner presented to the Committee as graph of school expenditures history provided by J.G. Scott, Director of Kansas Legislative Research Department. (Attachment 4)
The meeting was adjourned at 1:58 pm.
The next meeting will be February 8, 2024 at 1:30 pm in Room 144-S.