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Minutes for HB2607 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Amending the Kansas pesticide law to expand the applicability of civil and criminal penalties and update requirements for training and supervision, proof of financial responsibility, pesticide applications in the sodium cyanide predator control category and record retention by government agencies.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 1, 2024
Chairperson Rahjes opened the hearing on HB 2607 and asked Kyle Hamilton, Revisor, Office of Revisor of Statutes to present an overview of the bill. (Attachment 1) He stood for questions.
Kelsey Olson, Deputy Secretary, Kansas Department of Agriculture, was introduced by Chairperson Rahjes. She gave proponent testimony (Attachment 2) and stood for questions.
Ms. Olson brought with her, Kelly Navinsky-Wenzl, Program Manager, Pesticide and Fertilizer, Kansas Department of Agriculture, to answer technical questions. Ms. Navinsky-Wenzl responded to queries throughout the meeting.
Proponent testimony was also given by Randy Stookey, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, Kansas Grain and Feed Association and the Kansas Agribusiness Retailers Association (Attachment 3) Mr. Stookey stood for questions.
HB 2607 was also supported by Claudia Hissong, Kansas Farm Bureau. (Attachment 4) Ms. Hissong stood for questions.
Also speaking as a proponent on this bill was Taylor Williamson, Kansas Corn Growers Association (Attachment 5) Questions were answered by Mr. Williamson.
Steve Hitchcock, Government Affairs, Kansas Agriculture Aviation Association, provided the committee with proponent testimony. (Attachment 6) Mr. Hitchcock responded to the Committee's questions.
Written-only proponent testimony was received from Shahira Stafford, Kansas Cooperative Council. (Attachment 7)
There being no other conferees, Chairperson Rahjes thanked the proponents for their testimony and closed the hearing on HB 2607. Chairperson Rahjes invited today's conferees to return on Monday, February 5th to further discuss HB 2607.