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Minutes for SB331 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources
Short Title
Removing the definition of lead-free and an exception for leaded joints in the public water supply systems law and updating terminology relating to hazardous waste generated by certain persons.
Minutes Content for Tue, Jan 23, 2024
Chairman Peck opened the hearing on SB331 at 8:44 am.
Revisor Tamera Lawrence gave an overview of the bill (Attachment 2) and stood for questions.
Kate Gleeson, Deputy Director, Division of Environment, spoke favorably to the bill stating it would update what Kansas has in its statues to match the federal definition.(Attachment 3).
Kate Miller, Director of Water Services, Kansas Municipal Utilities, spoke in support of the bill (Attachment 4).
Chairman Peck closed the hearing on SB311 at 8:54 am, and said he planned to work the bill on Thursday, Jan 25.
Meeting was adjourned.