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Minutes for SB317 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Permitting a prosecution for childhood sexual abuse to be commenced at any time, extending the time to file civil actions against an individual perpetrator or an entity for recovery of damages caused by childhood sexual abuse and providing exceptions in the Kansas tort claims act for claims arising from such abuse.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 23, 2023
Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on SB317 and welcomed the conferees to the committee room. Chairwoman Warren gave instructions to the conferees and limited testimony to 2 minutes each. Jason Thompson, Revisors Office, provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions (Attachment 1)
Cindy Holscher, requested her time be given to other conferees, and changed her testimony to written-only.
Usha Reddi provided her testimony in support of SB317. She stated victims should have options available to seek justice, and predators should not have immunity, no matter how much time has passed. (Attachment 2)
Julie Donelon offered her testimony in support of SB317. She stated by extending the statute of limitations, SB317 will increase access to justice for survivors of child sexual abuse. (Attachment 3)
Joe Cherey provided testimony supporting SB317. She stated there are countless other victims like herself who this legislation would help. Sexual abuse survivors deserve justice. (Attachment 4)
Tess Ramirez provided testimony in support of SB317. She stated we have the opportunity and the power to protect survivors and prevent perpetrators from continuing to sexually abuse children. It's time to remove the statute of limitation for these acts. (Attachment 5)
Kim Bergman offered testimony in support of SB317. She stated while she learned that lawsuits help compensate victims for damages, they more importantly force organization to create necessary changes for the future. (Attachment 6)
Katie Pratt testified that she fully supports SB317. She stated that there are children being sexually assaulted and they deserve better, they deserve a chance at justice, as so many countless others were not. (Attachment 7)
Cecelia Simon provided testimony in support of SB317. She asks that the committee to uncover hidden predators, abolish the Civil Statute of Limitation, vote yes to abolish the repose. (Attachment 8), (Attachment 9), (Attachment 10), (Attachment 11), (Attachment 12)
Susan Leighnor testified in support of SB317 She stated all survivors of childhood sexual abuse must be able to find justice for the harm done to them, no matter how long it takes for a victim-survivor to come forward. (Attachment 13)
Kathryn Robb gave testimony in support of SB317. She stated that Kansas can remove many barriers to criminal and civil justice and make meaningful progress. If passed, SB317 will give all survivors more time to do the legal and emotional work necessary to revisit their childhood traumas and coordinate with attorneys to file their cases. (Attachment 14)
Dr. Briana Goff testified in support of SB317. She stated justice means different things to survivors, but the current statute of limitations does not allow the voices of the victims, many who were children when it occurred, to be heard. (Attachment 15)
Kari Crump is here today in support of SB317. She is asking for the committee to change this antiquated law and give power back to those who desperately need it, the survivors. (Attachment 16)
Terin Humphrey provided testimony in support of SB317. She stated that it is the job as legislatures to protect the children of Kansas, predators need to have consequences.. (Attachment 17)
Gisele Shore testified in support of SB317. She spoke of the abuse her son experienced and how the statute of limitations affected him and his claims against his abuser. (Attachment 18)
Earl MCIntosh testified in support of SB317. He stated he is here to advocate for others that have suffered, while their attackers are free. (Attachment 19)
Julie Backmen testified in support of SB317. She described the process of handling the trauma of childhood sexual abuse. (Attachment 20)
Written-only testimony in support of SB317 was submitted by:
- Cindy Holsher, Kansas Senator, District 8 (Attachment 21)
- Lesa Peterson-Kinsey, Private Citizen (Attachment 22)
- Jessa Farmer, KCSDV, Public Policy Coordinator (Attachment 23)
- Aubry Booser, Private Citizen (Attachment 24)
- Isidro Marino, Private Citizen (Attachment 25)
- Whitney Nigro Pritchard, Private Citizen (Attachment 26)
Neutral, Written-only testimony for SB317 was submitted by:
- John Goodyear, General Counsel, The League of Kansas Municipalities (Attachment 27)
- Joseph Molina, Kansas Bar Association (Attachment 28)
- Marlee Carpenter, Kansas Association of Property and Casualty Insurance Companies (Attachment 29)
There being no further conferees, the hearing on SB317 was closed.