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Minutes for HB2179 - Committee on Welfare Reform

Short Title

Removing non-cooperation with child support from disqualifications for child care assistance.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 16, 2023

Chairman Awerkamp called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m. and opened discussion on HB2179.

Jessie Pringle, Office of the Revisor of Statutes, reviewed the tenets of the bill.  She explained that the bill deals with the Kansas Department for Children and Families' (DCF) oversight for the child-care subsidy; present requirements state that a person who receives child-care benefits must cooperate with Child Support Services to continue receiving benefits.  The bill strikes those requirements, removing a recipient's obligation to cooperate with Child Support Services.

Representative Awerkamp made a motion, seconded by Representative Roth, to amend the bill.  The motion passed (Attachment 1).

Representative Awerkamp commented that the amendment:

  • Will address the federal rule regarding non-compliance, continue the directive for a recipient to cooperate, and fit with the agency practice of annual re-determination.
  • Will also eliminate the $500,000 fiscal note and continue to encourage child-support payments.

Members extensively discussed the ramifications of the amendment and the bill.

Responding to questions, Tanya Keys, Deputy Secretary, DCF, stated that the amendment satisfies the intent of the bill, assures compliance with federal regulations, and will require no change in the computer system. She noted that the agency usually can determine eligibility within 10 days of an initial application; the federal regulation allows 30 days.

A motion was made by Representative Waggoner and seconded by Representative Howell to consider HB2179 as amended to be favorable for passage.  The motion passed.