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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2198 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Providing membership affiliation in the Kansas police and firemen's retirement system for certain law enforcement officers and employees of the Kansas department of wildlife and parks.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 15, 2023


Chairperson Longbine turned the Committee's attention to action on HB2198.  The Chairperson offered an amendment that would change the effective date of the bill to the date of publication in the Kansas Register(Attachment 11)

Senator Warren asked for a bill brief from Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor (ROS). Senator Warren asked about appropriations for the bill.  Chairperson Longbine responded that no appropriations were needed because the contributions to the fund are paid by each employer who is eligible and elects to become a part of the retirement system, therefore there would not be any state general funds (SGF) needed.  After recognition by the Chair, Senator Pittman moved an amendment to add corrections officers and the law officers in the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (KDWP); seconded by Senator Holscher. (Attachment 12)   Chairperson Longbine responded that adding the corrections officers and KDWP officers would change the fiscal note, and asked Senator Pittman if he was aware what the fiscal note would be.  Senator Pittman responded that at the last estimate, it would add around $10 - $20 million.  More discussion ensued.  The Chairperson then called for a vote.  The motion to adopt the Pittman amendment failed

Subsequently, Senator Olson moved, seconded by Senator Holscher that HB2198 be passed with favorable recommendation.  The motion carried.  Senator Fagg asked to be recorded as a "No" vote.