House Status:
Senate Status:
Senate Status:
Minutes for SB278 - Committee on Utilities
Short Title
Requiring public utilities to report information regarding customer assistance programs, account delinquencies and disconnections.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 21, 2023
The Chairman opened the hearing and called for a revisor overview of the bill.
Nick Myers provided an overview of the bill.
The Chairman called for proponent testimony on the bill.
Senator Oletha Faust-Goudeau implored the committee to consider the many of her low income constituents that find themselves in need for help with their utility bills.
Zack Pistora discussed the potential value of a regular reporting of data concerning the demands for community assistance. Mr. Pastora related how the data might be focused to a more efficient and effective service to those with genuine needs to keep their families safe and secure.
Dorothy Barnett discussed the problem of "energy insecurity" providing supportive statistics. Ms. Barnett suggested that the Inflation Reduction Act provides opportunities for a number of tools and resources that could make a difference.
Committee questions and comments ensued.
Written-Only Proponent Testimony:
Maxine Groucher, AARP
Emily Wolf, Metropolitan Energy
Written-Only Opponent Testimony:
Kimberly Svaty, Kansas Municipal Utilities (KMU)
Laura Lutz, Evergy
Aaron Bishop, Atmos Energy
Leslie Kaufman, Kansas Electric Cooperatives (KEC)
Steven Cowen, Black Hills Energy
John Idoux, Brightspeed
Patrick Vogelsberg, Kansas Gas Service
Neutral Jeff McClanahan related a regulator's perspective questioning whether this bill's requirements would pass as being legal and suggested that it might require some additional legislative considerations. Mr. McClanahan suggested that the committee take into account the resources that might be obtained from federal programs. (Attachment 14)
Committee questions and comments ensued.
Written-Only Neutral Testimony:
Beto Martinez, Clean Air Now
David Nickel, Citizens' Utility Ratepayer Board (CURB)
Seeing no more testimony the Chairman closed the hearing on the bill.