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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for SB113 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Allowing naturopathic doctors to engage in the corporate practice of medicine.

Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 13, 2023

The Chair opened SB 113 for final action.

Representative Landwehr motioned to amend SB 113 by striking the contents of SB 113 and inserting the contents of the education budget which includes the State Department of Education budget for FY 23, FY 24 and FY 25 as provided in section 24 of HB 2274, sections 57 and 58 of HB 2273, and section 118 of HB 2273, Representative Johnson seconded, motion carried.

Representative Hill motioned to amend SB 113 by removing the FY 24 special education services aid appropriation from the bill; removing the requested enhancements including professional development enhancement, mentor teacher enhancement and parents as teachers enhancement; removing the language relating to the acquisition of naloxone hydrochloride products from the school safety and security grants allowances; removing the proviso extending the high-density at-risk weighting in FY 25; and reducing the FY 25 special education appropriation to maintain the same amount of special education funding appropriated by the House Substitute for SB 83 in FY 24, Representative Landwehr seconded, motion carried.

Representative Johnson motioned to amend SB 113 by inserting language that would reauthorize the 20 mill tax levy for schools for two school years, Representative Hill seconded, motion carried (Attachment 1).

Representative Johnson motioned to amend SB 113 by inserting the contents of HB 2271 as amended by House Committee concerning revisions to open school district enrollment and required information on school district websites, Representative Landwehr seconded, motion carried.

Representative Thomas motioned to amend SB 113 by adding language that would increase the number of school districts that qualify for the cost-of-living weighting and increase the amount of the cost-of-living weighting, Representative Johnson seconded, motion carried.

Representative Thomas motioned to amend SB 113 by inserting the contents of HB 2040 to authorize schools to determine enrollment using the current year enrollment and provide the estimated FY 24 funding associated with such change, Representative Landwehr seconded, motion carried.

Representative Thomas motioned to amend SB 113 by appropriating an additional $85,000 for Kansas State Department of Education to employ a safe and secure auditor to conduct audits of school district safety and security procedures, Representative Landwehr seconded, motion carried.

Representative Garber motioned to amend SB 113 by inserting the contents of HB 2030, as amended by the balloon amendment, relating to participation in Kansas State High School Activities Association activities, Representative Johnson seconded, motion carried (Attachment 2).

Representative Landwehr motioned to amend SB 113 by inserting the contents of HB 2444 with a technical amendment that would enact the mental health intervention team program, Representative Schmoe seconded, motion carried (Attachment 3).

Representative Landwehr motioned to amend SB 113 by removing the proviso language relating to the implementation of the mental health intervention team program since implementation would be provided under HB 2444, Representative Hoffman seconded, motion carried.

Representative Schmoe motioned to amend SB 113 by inserting the contents of HB 2261 to allow school board members to be compensated for work and duties performed, Representative Johnson seconded, motion carried.

Representative Boyd requested that it be recorded that he abstained from the vote.

Representative Landwehr motioned to create and pass favorably House Substitute for SB 113 with authorization for staff to make technical revisions, Representative Thomas seconded, motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 4:02 PM.

There is no meeting scheduled.