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Senate Status:
Minutes for HB2060 - Committee on Education
Short Title
Establishing the special education and related services funding task force.
Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 15, 2023
Chairwoman Baumgardner opened the hearing.
The Revisor gave an overview of the bill. (Attachment 3)
Monica Ross, Program Coordinator, Infant-Toddler Services of Johnson County, supports the creation of a special education task force to study special education funding and related services. One amendment is requested and that is to require one member of the task force to be an Infant-Toddler (Tiny-K) network coordinator. Including one of the members would ensure appropriate focus is given to all children receiving special education service, including those ages birth to three years of age.(Attachment 4)
Scott Rothschild, Communications Editor, Kansas Association of School Boards ((KASB), would support the bill outright but for the concern with the makeup of the task force under the proposal. KASB believes the task force would produce better recommendations if it had a wider array of individuals with first-hand knowledge of special education. It is recommended having more parents of students who currently receive special education services on the task force would be a further step in the right direction. (Attachment 5)
Neutral Written Only:
Daniel Klaassen, Education Policy Advisor, Kansas Action for Children (Attachment 6)
Patty Zurich, President, Kansas Parents Teacher Association (Attachment 7)
Discussion followed.
The Chair closed the hearing.
The next meeting will be March 16, 2023 at 1:30 PM in Room 144-S