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Minutes for HB2027 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Creating a procedure to prevent distribution of a decedent's assets to a person charged with the felonious killing of the decedent until criminal proceedings are completed.
Minutes Content for Tue, Mar 7, 2023
Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on HB2027 Jason Thompson, Revisor's office, provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment 1)
Torie Marie Blew gave testimony in support of HB2027. She stated this bill adds protection for the victim's estate from being used to help the very person who is accused of killing them. (Attachment 2)
Barbara Ballard is supportive of HB2027. She stated this legislation addresses a void in the Kansas probate statues. (Attachment 3)
Chris McGowne supports HB2027. He stated this bill will ensure people charged with murder do not benefit from the crime. (Attachment 4)
Jeremiah Schumacher gave testimony in support of HB2027. He stated HB2027 will protect the victim's estate from being distributed to the accused until disposition of the case. (Attachment 5)
Neutral written-only HB2027 testimony was submitted by James Houston Bales, Kansas State Board of Indigents' Defense Services, Legislative Committee. (Attachment 6)
There being no other conferees, the hearing on HB2027 was closed.