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Minutes for SB244 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Authorizing the attorney general to prosecute any crime that is part of an alleged course of criminal conduct that occurred in two or more counties.
Minutes Content for Mon, Mar 6, 2023
Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on SB244. Jason Thompson, Revisor's Office, provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions.(Attachment 1)
Kris Kobach, gave testimony in support of SB244. He stated organized crime is a relatively new crime that involves large-scale theft of retail merchandise with intent to resell the items for financial gain.This often involves a criminal enterprise with multiple people stealing multiple items from multiple stores in multiple jurisdictions and selling the stolen goods online. This bill will give authority to prosecute any crime that is part of an alleged criminal enterprise that occurs in two or more counties.(Attachment 2)
Eric Stafford, gave testimony in support of SB244. He stated SB244 attempts to provide stronger enforcement capabilities for prosecution authority when multiple counties are involved. (Attachment 3)
Celinda Gonzales, Manager, State and Local Government Relations, Home Depot, provided written-only testimony in support of SB244. (Attachment 4)
There being no further conferees, the hearing on SB244 was closed.