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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for SB83 - Committee on K-12 Education Budget

Short Title

Providing additional student eligibility under the tax credit for low income students scholarship program and increasing the amount of the tax credit for contributions made pursuant to such program.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 2, 2023

Nick Myers, Office of Revisor of Statutes, briefly talked about the differences between the HB 2048 and the Senate's version of the bill in SB 83. Mr. Myers noted that SB 83 contained a 400% family poverty income threshold criteria and included all children placed in foster or kinship care or were adopted. The bill would boost the current tax credit from 70% to 75% and decrease the the individual contribution limit from $500,000 to $100,000.

The Chair opened the hearing on SB 83.

Ann Mah, Kansas State Board of Education, offered testimony in opposition to SB 83. Ms. Mah urged the Committee to reject SB 83 and instead assist in keeping our public schools strong (Attachment 1).

The conferee stood for questions.

Leah Fliter, Kansas Association of Schools Boards, offered a brief testimony in opposition to SB 83. Ms. Fliter noted her organization's disappointment of the Senate's changes to HB 2048 (Attachment 2).

Written Testimony:

Mary Sinclair, Kansas PTA (Attachment 3)

Compiled written testimony (Attachment 4)

The Chair closed the hearing on SB 83.

Meeting adjourned at 3:47 PM.

Next meeting is March 6th, 2023.