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Senate Status:
Minutes for SB143 - Committee on Transportation
Short Title
Allowing for the use of ground effect lighting on motor vehicles.
Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 2, 2023
Chairperson Francis opened the hearing on SB143.
Chris Waggoner, Office of Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill and addressed questions from the committee. (Attachment 7)
Greg Smith, C.A., Special Deputy Sheriff for Government Affairs testified in support of the bill on behalf of the Johnson County Sheriff's Office. Officer Smith explained that today’s motor vehicle lighting kits usually involve some form of LED lighting rather than the neon tube lighting that is described in existing legislation and asked that the reference to neon tubes be removed as well as the definition of Neon Ground Effect Lighting to ensure that any lights placed on a vehicle as ground effect lighting follow the current statute guidelines. (Attachment 8)
Officer Smith addressed questions from the committee.
There being no further conferees, Chairperson Francis closed the hearing on SB143.
The next meeting is scheduled on March 8, 2023.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:02 PM.