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Minutes for SB238 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Increasing criminal penalties on drug-related crimes when the drug is fentanyl and creating special sentencing rules for mandatory imprisonment and additional terms of imprisonment for drug-related crimes when the drug is fentanyl or is attractive to minors because of its appearance or packaging.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 15, 2023
Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on SB238. Jason Thompson, Revisor's Office, provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions.(Attachment 1)
Greg Smith gave testimony in support of SB238 stating fentanyl is the drug the Sheriffs Office is encountering more than any other drug. He stated this bill would provide a response to the spike in the use of fentanyl by incarcerating those that manufacture and distribute the drug. (Attachment 2)
Ed Klumpp testified in support of SB238. He stated these changes will make a meaningful difference in addressing the contribution of illegal manufacturing and distribution of fentanyl. (Attachment 3)
Stephen Howe testified in support of SB238. He states this bill provides law enforcement and prosecutors additional opportunities to protect our citizens from dealers of deadly fentanyl, by allowing a more severe sentence for these types of crimes. (Attachment 4)
There being no further conferees, the hearing on SB238 was closed.