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Minutes for HB2305 - Committee on General Government Budget

Short Title

Amending statutes regulating the practice of barbering regarding licensure, examinations and fees.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 14, 2023

Chair Hoffman opened the Hearing on HB2305 at 4:49 p.m.

Jessie Pringle briefed the committee on HB2305(Attachment 6) She stood for questions.

Cassiopeia Capps, Administrative Officer, Kansas Board of Barbering, testified in support of HB2305. Due to inquires regarding whether there was a senior status license, the board voted to create a senior status license. The senior status license would allow a licensed barber who is at least 70 or older, and has been licensed for at least 40 years but is no longer practicing to maintain their barber license. The bill would also increase the fee for written examinations from $100 to $150. The current fee has been insufficient to cover both of the written examinations. The written examinations passing grade would be lowered from 80% to 75%. (Attachment 7) She stood for questions.

David Yocum, Director, Bellus Academy, testified in support of HB2305. He stated "the national exam average of 75% is a well-established standard for similar licensing exams around the country as well as the minimum for most barbering college exams." (Attachment 8) He stood for questions.

The following individuals submitted written only testimony in support of HB2305:

Joyce Fisher, Financial Aid Advisor, Midwest Barber College (Attachment 9)

Headlines Barber Academy (Attachment 10)

Matthew Sturgeon Barbershop Manager, Military Corrections Complex, Fort Leavenworth (Attachment 11)

Caleb Gatzemeyer, Licensed Barber and Barber Instructor (Attachment 12)

The following individual submitted written only testimony in opposition to HB2305.

Jonathan Lueth, Deputy State Director, Americans for Prosperity-Kansas (Attachment 13)

Chairman Hoffman closed the hearing on HB2305.

Representative Amyx moved, Representative Rhiley seconded to suspend House Rule 1308, in order to proceed with final action on HB2305. The motion carried.

Final action on:  HB2305 -- Amending statutes regulating the practice of barbering regarding licensure, examinations and fees.

Representative Amyx moved, Representative Rhiley seconded to amend the language on page 3 line 43 to change the age from 70 to 65. The motion carried.

Representative Amyx moved, Representative Rhiley seconded, to favorably pass HB2305 out as amended. The motion carried.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:18 p.m.