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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for SB71 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Requiring the secretary of agriculture to establish a division of sustainable agriculture that shall apply for federal grant funds under the greenhouse gas reduction fund to assist farmers in converting to renewable energy and sustainable agriculture practices.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 15, 2023

Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on SB71.

Tamera Lawrence with the Revisor of Statutes Office explained the bill.  She explained that the bill would require the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a division of sustainable agriculture on or before June1, 2023 for the purpose of disbursing grants,loans, bond guarantees and other financial and technical assistance to sustainable agriculture districts using moneys from the federal greenhouse reduction fund. (Attachment 1)

Robert Casad spoke in favor of the bill.  He believes that the passage of this bill will provide Kansas with an excellent opportunity to secure federal funds to develop sustainable agriculture in Kansas.(Attachment2  (Attachment3) (Attachment 4)

Randy Stookey testified in support of the bill.  He explained to the committee that he supports the bill because it identifies staff to set up a program to assist people applying for assistance from the federal government from the greenhouse reduction fund.(Attachment 5)

Written proponent testimony was provided by Bernard B. Sheff, PE with American Biogas Council in Eaton Rapids, Michigan.(Attachment 6)

Tom Buller testified in opposition to the bill.  He explained that he opposed the bill as it is written but supports the idea of an inclusive division of sustainable agriculture at the Kansas Department of Agriculture that could leverage a variety of federal funds to encourage a broad array of sustainable agricultural practices in Kansas.(Attachment 7)

Justin Cobb provided neutral testimony on the bill.  He is encouraged by the sentiment behind the bill and asks that the committee continue to pursue efforts that assist sustainable agriculture in Kansas.(Attachment 8)

Chairman Kerschen and vice-chairman Ryckman both had to leave the meeting and Chairperson Kerschen turned the meeting over to Senator Fagg.

Kelsey Olson provide neutral testimony on the bill.  She urged the committee to carefully consider whether the mechanisms set forth in the bill provide the most effective means for incentivizing sustainable and renewable agricultural practices.(Attachment 9)

There was a question concerning whether the Department of Agriculture could administer this program without a new division being created. Answer was not at this time, they would need to add two positions to the department to facilitate this program to procure federal funds.

Senator Fagg closed the hearing on SB71 and adjourned the meeting at 9:20.