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Minutes for HB2322 - Committee on Education
Short Title
Revising the definition of "children with disabilities" for purposes of providing special education to replace emotional disturbance with emotional disability.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 16, 2023
Chairman Thomas opened the hearing on HB2322.
Jason Long, Revisor, gave a summary of the bill. (Attachment 3)
Proponents (Oral)
Leah Beth Henderson, Central Kansas Cooperative in Education, Salina (WEBEX) introduced herself and explained she has worked on this bill for three years. She has been a professional social workers for 22 years and the term "emotional disturbance" carries a stigma with it and is very difficult for children and their families to live with. This bill passed through Committee in 2020 and was halted because of the Covid crisis; the bill died on the House floor in March 2020. (Attachment 4)
Amy Drinnon, Director of the School Psychology program at Fort Hays (WEBEX) represents the Kansas Association of School Psychologists, which supports this change. She did note that shortages in mental health providers in the state of Kansas continues to be a major issue. The ratio is double the national recommendation. (Attachment 5)
Timothy Graham, Kansas National Education Association, stated they are in favor of this bill. They believe words matter. It's important to show people we care. (Attachment 6)
Proponent (Written Only)
Brittany Reed, Ed. S, Kansas Association of School Psychologists (Attachment 7)
Discussion ensued.
Chairman Thomas closed the hearing on HB2322.