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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2145 - Committee on Local Government

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Extending voting franchise in city elections to qualified electors living in areas subject to extraterritorial zoning or subdivision regulations.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2023

Revisor Jason Long briefed the committee on the bill (Attachment 33) He explained that making extraterroritorial areas that are subject to city planning and zoning regulations part of such city's voting area.

Representative Tory Blew, 112th District, testified as an proponent to the bill(Attachment 34).  She explained that the bill gives representation to those who live within the 3-mile radius, and also allows them to vote for the at large positions and any special election votes, such as an increase of sales tax for the city or bond issues.

Sheri Grogan, President, Rural Leavenworth, Inc., testified as a proponent via Webex (Attachment 35). She stated that this bill would allow residents to vote on elected officials that are making regulations and expenditures regarding the 3-mile area outside city limits.

Questions were directed to those who had testified as proponents of HB2145.

Spencer Duncan, Government Affairs Director, League of Municipalities, testified as an opponent on the bill (Attachment 36). He stated that those who live within the 3-mile boundary of extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) do have representation in County Commissioners. Those Commissioners have authority to ensure a city does not overstep within the (ETJ).

Questions were directed at Spencer Duncan.

Chairman Bergquist closed the hearing on HB2145.

Approval of January 30th and February 1st committee meeting minutes

Chair Bergquist asked the committee to review the meeting minutes.  A motion was made to approve the minutes by Representative Blex and seconded by Representative Essex.  Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 10:10 a.m.

The next meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 13th.