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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2086 - Committee on Elections

Short Title

Amending statutes concerning election procedures and election officials.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 9, 2023

Chairperson Proctor asked for an overview of HB 2086 which was given by Assistant Revisor Long.

Representative Paul Waggoner was recognized by Chairperson Proctor.

Representative Waggoner moved, seconded by Representative Woodard to pass out favorably HB 2086.

Representative Proctor moved, seconded by Representative Woodard, to amend HB 2086. (Attachment 1)

Discussion ensued.

Motion passed.

Representative Proctor moved, seconded by Representative Woodard, to further amend HB 2086. (Attachment 2)  Motion passed.

Chairperson Proctor recognized Representative Cindy Neighbor.

Representative Neighbor moved, seconded by Representative Bergquist, to amend HB 2086. (Attachment 3)

Discussion ensued.

Motion passed.

Chairperson Proctor acknowledged Representative Leah Howell.

Representative Howell moved, seconded by Representative Bergquist, to amend HB 2086. (Attachment 4)

Discussion ensued.

From the audience, Chairperson Proctor recognized Bryan Caskey, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State, Elections.  Mr. Caskey answered questions from the Committee members.

Motion passed.

There was further discussion.

Representative Neighbor called for the question.

Representative Neighbor moved, seconded by Representative Woodard to pass out favorably HB 2086 as amendedMotion passed.

Chairperson Proctor announced that next Tuesday the Committee would hear HB 2167 and on Thursday HB 2391.

The meeting adjourned at 3:55 p.m.

The next meeting of the House Elections Committee is scheduled for Tuesday, February 14, 2023.