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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2211 - Committee on Veterans and Military

Short Title

Establishing the office of homeland security within the adjutant general's office and prescribing powers and duties thereof.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 7, 2023

The Revisor briefed the Committee on the contents of HB2211 and stood for questions.(Attachment 4) There were several questions.

After questions were answered Chairman Ellis recognized the proponent for the bill, Mr. David Young. Mr Young cleared up the wording in the bill (Section 1, paragraph (b)) which should have read "detection" instead of "detention." According to Mr. Young, in March of 2011, Governor Brownback issued an Executive Order appointing the Adjutant General as the Homeland Security Advisor for the State of Kansas and the Director of the Kansas Office of Homeland Security. (Attachment 5) He gave many reasons why this position is critical in the protection of Kansas citizens.  He concluded by asking that the Legislature formalize the Kansas Homeland Security Office as set out in the proposed bill.  He said the purpose of this bill is to designate a state entity specifically tasked with the responsibilities and coordination among all homeland security partners.  He stood for questions. There were many questions and concerns raised that Mr. Young responded to.

The Chairman asked if there were any other proponents.  There were none so he called for opponents.

Representative Pat Proctor came forward.  He said he believed this bill would create significant issues regarding the separation of powers and protection of civil liberties in Kansas.(Attachment 6) He said in the federal government, the President appoints the heads of the executive departments which includes law enforcement.  In Kansas the voters select the attorney general who is the senior law enforcement officer in the state and then he appoints the heads of the KBI and Kansas Highway Patrol. He said the separation of powers between the Governor and state law enforcement is essential because state and local law enforcement have much more power over the daily lives of Kansas citizens.


The next opponent was Nicholas Reinecker (Attachment 7)  According to Mr. Reinecker federal overreach and centralization are dangerous and unconstitutional. He said we currently have the Kansas National Guard, the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, the Kansas Emergency Management Agency and local sheriffs and that is where the focus needs to be.

Written Opposition to HB2211 was submitted by:

Representative Trevor Jacobs (Attachment 8)

Thomas Cushing, SFC retired (Attachment 9)

Peggy Mast, Emporia, KS (Attachment 10)

Jamie Sue Potter, Emporia, KS (Attachment 11)

Kari Sue Vosburgh, Wichita, KS (Attachment 12)

Roger Lomshek, Pittsburg, KS (Attachment 13)

Brett Anderson, Wichita, KS (Attachment 14)

The Chairman closed the hearing on HB2211


The Chairman announced that the next meeting will be on Thursday, February 9 at which time the Committee will do final action on HB2210 and HB2211.


There being no further business before the Committee the meeting was adjourned.