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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2149 - Committee on Transportation

Short Title

Allowing distinctive license plates to be personalized license plates.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 2, 2023


Chairperson Francis opened the hearing on HB2149.

Chris Waggoner, Office of Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of the bill and addressed questions from the committee. (Attachment 4)

Bryan Frye appeared in support of the bill and asked that committee members consider the increased revenue this legislation would likely have on the state highway fund as described in the fiscal note testimony of Budget Director Adam Proffitt. Mr. Frye further explained how combining distinctive plates with personalization will capture new revenue for multiple agencies without raising anyone’s taxes. (Attachment 5)

Mr. Frye addressed questions from the committee.

LeeAnn Phelps, Vehicle Services Manager, provided neutral testimony on behalf of the Division of Vehicles. Ms. Phelps stated that it was their interpretation that this bill does not allow for personalization of certain distinctive plates which she detailed for the committee. She continued by asking for clarification regarding the intent of the legislation as it relates to these particular plate designs and further highlighted the limited space available on distinctive plates for personalized text. (Attachment 6)

Ms. Phelps addressed questions from the committee.

Ed Klumpp, Legislative Liaison, The Kansas Sheriffs Association and The Kansas Peace Officers Association provided written testimony neutral to the bill. (Attachment 7)

There being no further conferees, Chairperson Francis closed the hearing on HB2149.

The next scheduled meeting is February 06, 2023.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:09 PM.