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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for HB2185 - Committee on Judiciary

Short Title

Permitting short form notification service and alternative methods of service under the protection from abuse act and the protection from stalking, sexual assault or human trafficking act and clarifying precedence of child-related orders issued under the protection from abuse act.

Minutes Content for Tue, Feb 7, 2023

Chairperson Patton opened the hearing on HB2185. Natalie Scott (Attachment 1) provided an explanation of the Bill Brief.


Gillian Chadwick (Attachment 2) explained the expanding methods of service of process for protection orders. 1) Short Form Notification Service. 2) Alternative Service - Sections 3 & 5. 3) Clarification of K.S.A.60-3107(c)-Section 4. All of the details are spelled out in her attached testimony. Ms. Chadwick stood for questions.

Victoria Pickering (Attachment 3) explained HB2185 would increase safety for survivors of violence and abuse who have obtained a protection order in the state of Kansas by creating additional opportunities for the respondent to be served. HB2185 creates new ways for a respondent to be served and provides courts and law enforcement with additional tools to assist when service has been evaded or was otherwise unsuccessful. Ms. Pickering asked for the membership to join then in supporting HB2185. She stood for questions.

Jessa Farmer (Attachment 4) stated HB2185 expands the use of alternative methods of service beyond personal service. Alternative methods of service are necessary to increase both victim safety and notice to the defendant of the protection order case. Kansas Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence (KCSDV). KCSDV respectfully urges the committee to recommend HB2185 favorably.

Madeline Dickerson (Attachment 4) addressed questions from the membership about specific data KCSDV had available.


Jeff Easter (Attachment 5) explained a number of changes that address language in HB2185 that is problematic for Law Enforcement Officers. Mr. Easter has specifically sited them in his testimony. Mr. Easter stated there is opportunity to work together with opponents to improve the proposed bill, HB2185. Mr. Easter stood for questions.

Chairperson Patton closed the hearing on HB2185.