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Minutes for SB115 - Committee on Judiciary
Short Title
Changing the lists of persons who are required to be given notice of the hearing on a petition for an independent or stepparent, private agency or public agency adoption.
Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2023
Chairwoman Warren gave welcome as a point of personal privilege to Grace and Jane Waldron as well as their mother Ann.
Chairwoman Warren opened the hearing on SB115. Jason Thompson, Revisor's Office, provided an overview of the bill and stood for questions. (Attachment1)
Matt Stephens, gave testimony in support of SB115. Stating his believe is the current notice requirement under K.S.A. 59-2133 does an injustice to this unique and vulnerable population. (Attachment 2).
Austin K.Vincent, gave testimony in support of SB115 , which addresses both issues of concern by reorganizing the statute and separating agency adoptions into two categories; the notice requirements for private agency adoptions and the more limited notice requirements for public agency adoptions.(Attachment 3)
There being no further conferees, the hearing on SB115 was closed.