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March 14, 2025
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Minutes for HB2236 - Committee on Education

Short Title

Establishing parents' right to direct the education, upbringing and moral or religious training of their children including the right to object to harmful and inappropriate educational materials.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2023

Chairman Thomas opened the hearing on HB2236.

Jason Long, Revisor, gave an overview of the bill.  (Attachment 1)

Proponents (Oral)

Mike O 'Neal, Kansas Policy Institute, expressed the goal of his organization to advocate for parents' rights when it comes to the education of their children.  This bill assumes that transparency is there in school, and he accepts that as a given. Once that level of knowledge is there, then what is the right of the parent? The parent should be able to take a child out of a class, or even out of the school. Mr. O'Neal stated this bill would give parents the right to withdraw their children without the child being penalized for not participating in particular classes, curriculum or activities and he strongly urged the Committee to vote yes.  (Attachment 2)

Kirsten Workman, parent from Lansing Kansas, shared concerns she had with coursework her daughter was being asked to participate in. She described a situation with a teacher and a problematic assignment asking students to see a situation through the lens of socialism. Both she and her daughter were very frustrated and felt their values were not honored. Ms. Workman urged the Committee to support this bill.  (Attachment 3)

Proponent (Written Only)

Brittany Jones, Kansas Family Voice  (Attachment 4)

Noelle Friese, Parent and Home school Educator, Coffeyville  (Attachment 5)

Lucrecia Nold. Kansas Catholic Conference  (Attachment 6)

Tim McCabe, Parent, Lenexa  (Attachment 7)

Debbie Detmer, Citizen and Grandmother  (Attachment 8)

There were questions and answers with the Committee and the Proponents.

Neutral (Written Only)

Rabbi Moti Rieber, Kansas Interfaith Action  (Attachment 9)

Opponent (Oral)

Jim Karleskint, United School Administrators of Kansas, stated his organization wants to work with parents to help students at school however they feel this bill is not the correct path. There are provisions in board policies and practices that allow for parents to deal with issues that may occur.  (Attachment 10)

Leah Fliter, Kansas Association of School Boards, stated the bill is overly broad and would allow parents to withdraw their children from core classes such as math, science or reading. Kansas parents have extensive legal rights over their children up to 18. KASB believes bill adds nothing to the parental rights already in law.  (Attachment 11)

Lauren Tice Miller, Kansas National Education Association, noted KNEA strongly supports parental involvement. She stated this bill doesn't change the present rights parents have. She encouraged the Committee to join teachers and schools in Kansas to cultivate partnerships with parents, students, and local communities. (Attachment 12)

Opponent (Written Only)

Patty Jurich, Kansas PTA  (Attachment 13)

Ann Mah and Dr. Deena Horst, Kansas State Board of Education  (Attachment 14)

Carol Williamson, Retired Teacher of 38 years  (Attachment 15)

Martha Pint, League of Women Voters Kansas  (Attachment 16) 

Pat Gouger, Private Citizen, Overland Park  (Attachment 17)

There were questions and answers between the Committee and the Opponents.

The Chairman closed the hearing on HB2236.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting at 3:00. 

The next meeting in February 9, 2022.