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Feb. 5, 2025
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Minutes for SB34 - Committee on Financial Institutions and Insurance

Short Title

Expanding the use and availability of rural housing incentive districts.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 8, 2023


Chairperson Longbine greeted the members, staff, and guests.  He recognized Senator Dietrich for a point of privilege.  She introduced Brady Murphy, Ethan Lake, Thomas Reed, and Prajeet Akula from Jay Shideler Middle School in Topeka, who were acting as Pages for her today.  The Chairperson then opened the hearing on SB34

Eileen Ma, Assistant Revisor, Kansas Revisor of Statutes Office (ROS) presented a bill brief. (Attachment 1)    Chairperson Longbine called for proponents' testimony.

Oral Proponents:

Senator Rob Olson, 23rd District, Olathe, Kansas   (Attachment 2)

Ross Vogel, Heartland Housing Partners    (Attachment 3)

Allie Devine, on behalf of Kansas Farm Bureau, Kansas Corn Growers Association, Sunflower Electric Power Corporation, and  Northwest Kansas Economic Innovation Center (Hereinafter “Coalition”)   (Attachment 4)

Wendi Stark, Research Associate, Kansas League of Municipalities   (Attachment 5)

Mark Tomb, Vice President, Governmental Affairs, Kansas Association of Realtors   (Attachment 6)

The proponents answered questions from Senators Warren, Pittman, Gossage, and Olson.  Chairperson Longbine pointed the Committee's attention to the written-only proponent testimony.


Written-Only Proponents:

Martha Smith, Executive Director, Kansas Manufactured Housing Association   (Attachment 7)

Cory Haag, Haag Development Company, Emporia, Kansas   (Attachment 8)

Chris Hite, CEO, Sugar Creek Capital, St. Louis, Missouri   (Attachment 9)

Kevin Walker, Senior Vice President, Public Policy, Overland Park Chamber of Commerce   (Attachment 10)

Dick Carter, on behalf of Michael Koss, Deputy City Attorney, City of Overland Park, Kansas   (Attachment 11)

Alex Orel, Sr. Vice President, Government Relations, Kansas Bankers Association  (Attachment 12)

Deanna Stallbaumer, Braden, Heidner and Lowe, on behalf of METL, Chambers of Commerce of Manhattan, Emporia, Topeka and Lawrence, Kansas   (Attachment 13)

Hugh Carter, Vice President External Affairs, The Chamber, Lawrence, Kansas   (Attachment 14)

Rachel Willis, Director of Legislative Affairs, Kansas Department of Commerce   (Attachment 15)

Brandon McGuire, Assistant City Manager, Lawrence, Kansas   (Attachment 16)

Julie Brewer, Exec. Director, United Community Services of Johnson County, Inc. (Attachment 17)

There being no other questions or comments, and no other proponent, opponent, or neutral testimony submitted, Chairperson Longbine closed the hearing on SB34.  He turned the Committee's attention to SB37, and opened the hearing.