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Senate Status:
Minutes for HB2206 - Committee on Elections
Short Title
Amending the campaign finance act's definition of expressly advocating for a candidate by adding a reasonable person standard to the definition.
Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 2, 2023
Chairperson Proctor opened the hearing on HB 2206 and asked Revisor Heim to give an overview of the bill.
There were no questions following Mr. Heim's presentation.
Mark Skoglund was again introduced and provided proponent testimony on HB 2206.
He informed the Committee that HB 2206 reduces a sizable loophole in the Campaign Finance Act that currently permits electoral communications to skirt disclosure rquirements through careful wording by adopting a test for express advocacy that is employed at the federal level and elsewhere.(Attachment 3)
A question and answer period followed.
There were no other proponents, opponents, or neutrals on this bill.
Chairperson Proctor thanked Mr. Skoglund for his testimonies and closed the hearing on HB 2206.