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Feb. 22, 2025
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Minutes for SB94 - Committee on Assessment and Taxation

Short Title

Discontinuing state property tax levies for the Kansas educational building fund and the state institutions building fund and providing for financing therefor from the state general fund.

Minutes Content for Wed, Feb 1, 2023

Revisor Amelia Kovar-Donohue provided a summary of the bill (Attachment 7).

Proponent in-person testimony: Senator Virgil Peck (Attachment 8).

Proponent written testimony: Mark Tomb, Kansas Association of Realtors (Attachment 9).

Opponent in-person testimony: Blake Flanders, Kansas Board of Regents (Attachment 10).

Opponent written testimony: Brett LetKowksi, American Council of Engineering Companies of Kansas (Attachment 11)

Associated General Contractors of Kansas (Attachment 12)

Colton Gibson, United Contractors Association of Kansas (Attachment 13)

Neutral testimony: None