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Minutes for HB2071 - Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice
Short Title
Extending terminal medical release to inmates in the custody of the department of corrections with a condition likely to cause death within 120 days.
Minutes Content for Wed, Jan 25, 2023
Chairperson Owens opened the hearing on HB2071. Natalie Scott reviewed the bill. (Attachment 11) There were no questions.
Scott Shultz, Executive Director, Kansas State Sentencing Commission testified in support of the bill. Mr. Schultz said the current law provides for a determination of death within 30 days and the only thing they have changed with this bill is to make it 120 days. A similar bill, (2021)HB2030 passed out of the House last year. (Attachment 12) Mr. Shultz responded to questions from committee members.
Jennifer Roth testified in support of the bill on behalf of the Kansas State Board of Indigent Defense Services (SBIDS). She said that part of the mission of SBIDS is to champion people's human dignity. Ms. Roth said recognizing people in their humanity does not undo any of the suffering that they may have caused at some point, but recognizing people in their humanity and showing mercy to people is what we should be striving for. (Attachment 13) There were no questions for Ms. Roth.
There was no neutral nor opponent testimony.
Chairperson Owens closed the hearing on HB2071.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:51 PM.