Testimony |
- Presenter: Laura Howard, Secretary for Children and Families
- Organization: Department for Children and Families
- Topic: Department for Children and Families Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Justin Horton, Chief Programs and Innovation Officer
- Organization: Cornerstones of Care
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jeanette Owens, Chief Child Welfare Officer
- Organization: DCCA
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Brenda Watkins, President
- Organization: EmberHope Connections
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Brenda Watkins, President
- Organization: EmberHope Connections
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Linda Bass, President
- Organization: KVC Kansas
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Matt Stephens, Vice President of Advocacy
- Organization: St. Francis Ministries
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Emily Hermesch, Vice President of Permanency Services
- Organization: TFI Family Services
- Topic: Family Preservation and Case Management Provider Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Deena Gage, State Director
- Organization: Kansas CASA Association
- Topic: Kansas Child Welfare System
Testimony |
- Presenter: Mike Kriwiel, President
- Organization: Pyxis
- Topic: Kansas Child Welfare System
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. K'Arissa Annette Grellner, private citizen
- Organization: Self
- Topic: Kansas Child Welfare System
Testimony |
- Presenter: Sherry Lesher, private citizen
- Organization: self
- Topic: Kansas Child Welfare System
Testimony |
- Presenter: Grant Brazill, Attorney
- Organization: Morris Laing Law Firm
- Topic: Legal Representation for Children in the Child Welfare System
Testimony |
- Presenter: Natalece Washington, Policy Counsel
- Organization: National Association of Counsel for Children
- Topic: Legal Representation for Children in the Child Welfare System, PPT
Testimony |
- Presenter: Natalece Washington, Policy Counsel
- Organization: National Association of Counsel for Children
- Topic: Legal Representation for Children in the Child Welfare System, Supp
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kerrie Lonard, Acting Child Advocate
- Organization: Office of the Child Advocate
- Topic: Office of the Child Advocate Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kristalle Hedrick, Vice President of Kansas Programming
- Organization: FosterAdopt Connect
- Topic: SOUL Family Legal Permanency Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jennifer Townsend, Vice President of Children and Youth Programs
- Organization: FosterAdopt Connect
- Topic: SOUL Family Legal Permanency Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Nykia Gatson, Authentic Youth and Family Engagement Practice Subgroup
- Organization: Self as lived expert
- Topic: SOUL Family Legal Permanency Update
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kristalle Hedrick, Vice President of Kansas Programming
- Organization: FosterAdopt Connect
- Topic: SOUL Family Legal Permanency Update Chart
Testimony |
- Presenter: The Honorable Kellie Hogan
- Organization: 18th Judicial District Court Judge
- Topic: Supreme Court Permanency Planning Task Force
Testimony |
- Presenter: The Honorable Kellie E. Hogan, Sedgwick County District Court Judge
- Organization: 18th Judicial District Court Judge
- Topic: Supreme Court Permanency Planning Task Force
Testimony |
- Presenter: Tanya Keys, Deputy Secretary
- Organization: Department for Children and Families
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Justin Horton, Chief Programs and Innovation Officer
- Organization: Cornestones of Care
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Jeanette owens, Chief Child Welfare Officer
- Organization: DCCCA
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Ellen Standlee, Operations Director
- Organization: Kansas Foster Care and FFT Programs
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Lori Gonzales, President
- Organization: EmberHope Youthville
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kristalle Hedrick, Vice President of Kansas Programming
- Organization: FosterAdopt Connect
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Angela Hedrick, Vice President
- Organization: KVC Kansas
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Kimberly Young, Chief Business Development and Governmental Relations Officer
- Organization: Pressley Ridge
- Topic: Therapeutic Foster Care
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. Peter J. Pecora, MSW, PhD, Managing Director of Research Services
- Organization: Casey Family Programs
- Topic: What the Research Tells Us About Well-Functioning Child Protection Sysems, Supp
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. Peter J. Pecora, MSW, PhD, Managing Director of Research Services
- Organization: Casey Family Programs
- Topic: What the Research Tells Us About Well-Functioning Child Protection Systems
Testimony |
- Presenter: Dr. Peter J. Pecora, MSW, PhD, Managing Director of Research Services
- Organization: Casey Family Programs
- Topic: What the Research Tells Us About Well-Functioning Child Protection Systems, PPT