Brief (1)
SB 151, as amended, concerns health insurance benefits for certain dependents of state employees. Within the limits of appropriation therefore, beginning with plan year 2002, the State Employee Health Care Commission will establish a pilot program, which provides to active employees of the state enrolled in the state health care benefits program, financial assistance to cover an eligible child or children in the state health care benefits program. The financial assistance available would be a percentage of the cost determined by the Commission within the limits of any appropriation made for the program. The Commission will establish guidelines for eligibility for the pilot program within the limits of appropriations made, and report to the Governor and the Legislature any findings and recommendations it may have concerning the pilot program.
"Eligible child" is defined as any child who is an eligible dependent and otherwise eligible for insurance coverage under the insurance plan authorized by KSA 38-2001 (HealthWave), but not eligible solely because the child is a member of a family that is eligible for health benefits coverage under the state employee health benefit program.
The Secretary of Administration is authorized to accept moneys from any source, including the Sunflower Foundation, for the purposes of the pilot program.
Federal law which authorizes and provides funding for state child health insurance programs (CHIP, or in Kansas, HealthWave) specifically excludes from coverage dependents of state employees. Within the limits of appropriations and from moneys received by the Secretary of Administration, the bill provides financial support for participation by eligible dependents in the existing state employee benefit plan.
The bill was recommended by Senator Jenkins and supported by the Insurance Commissioner, Kansas Children's Service League, Kansas Action for Children, and the Kansas Association of Public Employees.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at