As Amended by Senate Committee on
Elections and Local Government

Brief (1)

SB 108 amends the Campaign Finance Act by requiring candidates for statewide offices, receiving contributions in excess of $30,000 during a reporting period, to file campaign contribution reports electronically after January 10, 2002.

The bill also requires statewide campaign contribution reports, in an aggregate of $500 or more, received 11 days, and up to election day, before a primary or a general election, to be filed at the close of the next business day it was received. The bill requires the Secretary of State to adopt rules and regulations by January 10, 2002, establishing a program for electronic filing.

The bill would become effective upon its publication in the Kansas Register.


The Governor's Office requested SB 108. A representative from the Governor's Office testified that submitting campaign receipts and expenditures electronically would allow the public immediate access to this information on the Internet. Also, she said that submitting campaign finance reports during the last few days before an election would be significant and relevant to Kansas' citizens making voting choices.

The fiscal note from the Division of the Budget indicates that the passage of SB 108 would cost the Secretary of State at least $60 per user per year and other indeterminate costs for website construction and database design.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at