As Amended by House Committee of the Whole

Brief (1)

Sub. for HB 2971 would create the Kansas Housing Development Corporation (KHDC) which would function as a quasi-governmental housing finance agency. In addition, the KHDC would administer the housing programs currently administered by the Housing Division of the Department of Commerce and Housing (KDOCH). The KHDC would assume all the duties and functions of the Housing Division.

Purpose of the Bill

The stated purpose of the act is to ensure that as businesses locate in Kansas and as existing businesses continue to expand, to provide a sufficient supply of adequate, safe, and sanitary residential housing in all geographic locations within the state and to assist Kansas families of low, very low, and moderate income in obtaining such housing.

Corporate Structure

KHDC would have a seven-member Board of Directors which would be appointed by the Governor with the approval of the Senate. The Board would conduct a national search to select a president. The president, who would not be a Board member, would manage the operations of the corporation.

Corporate Powers

The corporation's responsibilities would include administering the state housing program in accordance with the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and assisting in the development of affordable and accessible housing in Kansas.

The bill sets out a variety of powers and responsibilities to be conferred on KHDC relating to the administration of the corporation and the corporation's housing finance functions. Included in these enumerated powers are the powers currently given to KDOCH relative to that agency's housing functions as well as the power to:

Private Activity Bond Allocation Authority

The Corporation would be authorized to issue qualified private activity bonds to the extent authorized in other sections of the bill and to the extent that the corporation is allocated a portion of the state ceiling ($150 million) to that end.

Corporate Prohibitions

The bill also sets out a variety of activities in which the corporation would be prohibited from engaging. The corporation would not be authorized to:

Corporate Exemptions

Under the bill, the corporation would be exempt from all franchise, corporate business, and income taxes levied by the state. The corporation would also be exempt from purchasing laws governing state agencies.


The topic of housing as it relates to economic development was studied by the Joint Committee on Economic Development during the 1999 Interim. Upon the request of the Department of Commerce and Housing, the interim Committee agreed to postpone any recommendations until the Governor's Commission on Housing completed their recommendations and report to the Governor in December 1999. HB 2971 is patterned after one of the recommendations in the report by that Commission.

The House Committee held hearings on the bill at which time conferees included Representative Jerry Aday, the primary sponsor of the bill; and representatives of the Governor's Commission on Housing; the Mid-America Lumberman's Association; the Housing Assistance Council; the Bankers Mortgage and Investment Group; the Kansas Bankers Association; the Sedgewick County Division of Community Development; the Heartland Community Bankers Association; the Topeka Independent Living Resource Center; KDOCH; and Kansas Advocacy and Protective Services, Inc.

After adopting several amendments, the House Committee passed a substitute bill. Some of the substantive amendments made by the Committee include:

The House Committee of the Whole amended the bill to add the prohibition against the purchase of single-family home loans and home-improvement loans unless the borrower meets low income criteria.

The Budget Division reports that HB 2971 would result in no fiscal impact to the state because KDOCH's budget would be reduced by the same amount that would be budgeted for the new corporation.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at