As Recommended by House Committee on

Local Government

Brief (1)

HB 2877 authorizes the board of directors of an improvement district that is adjacent to an industrial district to agree by contract with the industrial district that the improvement district will not annex land located within the industrial district for a period not to exceed 20 years. The "no annexation" contract may be renewed at its expiration. The contract shall not be entered into or renewed until the contract is authorized by a resolution adopted by the improvement district.

HB 2877 provides that any "no annexation" contract will not be binding if any city that incorporates after the effective date of the contract and the corporate limits of the city includes any portion of the territory of the improvement district.

The bill prohibits an improvement district or a city, during the term of the "no annexation" contract, to take action to annex any land in the industrial district unless the governing body of the industrial district approves the annexation.

The bill further provides that any land detached from an improvement district shall continue to be liable for its proportionate share of all outstanding indebtedness when the indebtedness is assumed by a city if, prior to the city's incorporation, the improvement district had entered into a "no annexation" contract with an industrial district so long as no part of the industrial district is annexed by the city.


The bill was supported by the attorney for the Oaklawn Improvement District. The bill is a vehicle to promote an agreement between the improvement district and the Boeing industrial district to help facilitate the incorporation of Oaklawn as a city of the third class. Senator Feleciano, as Chairman of the Southeast Kansas Legislative Delegation, supported the bill. Proponents indicated the City of Wichita, Sedgwick County, and the Boeing Company did not object to the bill.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at