As Amended by House Committee of the Whole

Brief (1)

HB 2750 authorizes a county engineer, if the engineer also is a land surveyor, to review subdivision plats or plat surveys in the absence of a county surveyor. The bill allows the county to charge back the cost to the applicant for plat approval. Under the bill, the county would be responsible for enforcement of the act and the county surveyor or engineer would be responsible to ensure the plat met the requirements of the act. The bill would prohibit a county planning commission from certifying the plat without the review by the county surveyor or engineer.


The House Committee on Governmental Organization and Elections recommended the bill, as introduced, which would repeal KSA 1999 Supp. 58-2005. The bill would have not required a review of subdivision plats or survey plats by the county surveyor or county engineer.

The House Committee of the Whole adopted the Committee recommendation. Upon a motion to reconsider, the House Committee of the Whole authorized the county engineer to review the plat and made the county responsible for the enforcement of the act. In addition, the Committee prohibited the county planning commission from certifying a plat without the review of the county surveyor or engineer.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at