As Amended by House Committee on


Brief (1)

The bill, as amended by the House Committee on Appropriations, would require the annual demand transfer of $80,000 from the State General Fund to the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame beginning in FY 2001. This amount is determined to be substantially equivalent to the retailers' sales tax on the sale of tickets to athletic playoff games sponsored or sanctioned by the Kansas State High School Activities Association annually.


As introduced, the bill transferred actual receipts from the playoff games. The House Committee amended the bill to provide for a substantially equivalent transfer and made other technical changes.

The bill was introduced by Representative Weber to provide a constant source of revenue for the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame. In addition to individual donations, the Sports Hall of Fame receives financial support from the Regents universities which donate a dollar from each ticket to designated games or host special sporting events for the benefit of the Sports Hall of Fame. Additionally, the Sports Hall of Fame received a one-time appropriation of $150,000 from the Economic Development Initiatives Fund in FY 1999.

The Executive Director of the Kansas State High School Activities Association, the Executive Director of the Kansas Sports Hall of Fame, the Chairperson of the Board of Trustees of the Hall of Fame, and Representative Weber testified in favor of the bill.

The bill, as amended, would transfer $80,000 from the State General Fund annually.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at