As Amended by Senate Committee on
Ways and Means
Brief (1)
Sub. for HB 2605 creates in statute the Kansas Department
of History and Preservation. The bill provides the following
changes to the structure of the State Historical Society:
- The name of the State Historical Society would be the Kansas
Department of History and Preservation.
- The agency head would be appointed by the Governor,
subject to Senate confirmation; and should have demonstrated education, training, or experience in history or a
related field as well as demonstrated executive and administrative ability.
- The Executive Committee of the Kansas State Historical
Society, Inc., would select three individuals to recommend to
the Governor; the Governor may select the director from
among the three.
- The Executive Committee would conduct an annual review of
the Executive Director and report its findings to the Governor.
- The agency would be directed to provide space for the
museum store operated by the private society in the Kansas
Museum of History, and other space for activities of the not-for-profit corporation in agency-owned facilities.
- The Executive Director would be required to meet and consult
with the not-for-profit corporation on issues related to general
agency policy and direction and property acquisition and with
the not-for-profit and other state and local entities regarding
historic preservation.
- The effective date of the bill would be July 1, 2000.
The bill as introduced reflected the recommendations of the
Special Committee on Organization and Structure of the State
Historical Society which reviewed the existing structure of the
State Historical Society during the 1999 interim. A June 1999
Legislative Post Audit report highlighted several concerns about
the existing structure of the State Historical Society. Among
those concerns were the fact that the Society had never been
expressly created in statute as a state agency; there was no clear
distinction between the agency and the not-for-profit Kansas
Historical Society, Inc.; and that the Secretary of the not-for-profit
entity also served as Executive Director of the agency. In
addition, the report noted that the fact that the Executive Director
also served as the state historic preservation officer could conflict
with the Executive Director's fund raising role as Secretary of the
not-for-profit corporation. The Special Committee made the
following recommendations, contained in HB 2605 as introduced:
- A free-standing agency should be created and, to avoid name
confusion with the not-for-profit Society, should be called the
Kansas Department of History and Preservation.
- The agency head would be appointed by the Governor,
subject to Senate confirmation; and should have demonstrated education, training, or experience in history or a
related field as well as demonstrated executive and administrative ability.
- The new agency should have the authority to contract with
other entities.
- The position of State Historic Preservation Officer should be
separate from the Executive Director position, and should be
in the classified service.
The Kansas 2000 Select Committee heard testimony from a
number of individuals. Proponents of the bill included Senator
Alicia Salisbury, Chair of the Special Committee on the Organization and Structure of the State Historical Society, and Senator Ben
Vidricksen, a member of the Special Committee. Several members
of the not-for-profit Society and representatives of historic
preservation groups also appeared before the Committee. In
response to concerns raised by some conferees, the Kansas 2000
Select Committee modified the recommendations of the Interim
Committee to provide:
- The agency would be called the Kansas State Historical
- The Executive Director of the agency would be appointed by
the Governor, but the appointee would come from a list of
three candidates recommended by the Executive Committee
of the not-for-profit Society.
- The Executive Committee would conduct an annual review of
the Executive Director and report its findings to the Governor.
- The agency would be directed to provide space for the
museum store operated by the private society in the Kansas
Museum of History, and other space for activities of the not-for-profit corporation in agency-owned facilities.
- The Executive Director would be required to meet and consult
with the not-for-profit corporation on issues related to general
agency policy and direction and property acquisition and with
the not-for-profit and other state and local entities regarding
historic preservation.
The House Committee of the Whole modified the recommendations of the Kansas 2000 Select Committee to provide:
- That the effective date of HB 2605 would be July 1, 2001.
The Senate Ways and Means Committee heard testimony
from a number of individuals. Proponents of the bill included
Representative Kenny Wilk, Chairman of the Kansas 2000 Select
Committee and Representative Annie Kuether, member of the
Special Committee on the Organization and Structure of the
Kansas State Historical Society. Several members of the not-for-profit Society and representatives of historic preservation groups
also appeared before the Committee. In response to concerns by
some members of the Committee, the Senate Ways and Means
Committee modified the recommendations of the Kansas 2000
Select Committee to provide:
- The name of the State Historical Society would be the Kansas
Department of History and Preservation.
- The Governor would have the option to appoint an Executive
Director from three individuals recommended by the Executive
Committee of the not-for-profit Kansas State Historical
Society, Inc.
- The effective date of the bill would be returned to July 1,
According to the Division of the Budget's fiscal note,
enactment of the bill would result in additional expenditures of
$125,000 from the State General Fund.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at