



As Further Amended by Senate Committee on

Federal and State Affairs

Brief (1)

The bill would make a number of amendments to the state's bingo laws. The major changes include:


The bill was introduced at the end of the 1998 interim by the Special Committee on Federal and State Affairs as a means of addressing a number of concerns about collection and use of bingo tax revenue.

During the 2000 Session, the Senate Committee amended the bill, as amended by the Committee during the 1999 Session, to:

During the 1999 Session, the Senate Committee amended the House version of the bill to:

Conferees who presented testimony in support of the bill at the hearing before the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs included representatives of the: Kansas American Legion; Kansas Sunflower Club Association; Kansas Charities Cooperative; Elks Lodge #427, Wichita; American Legion Post 282, Wetmore; American Legion Post 5, Emporia; and two bingo distributors. Opposition to the bill was expressed by a representative of American Legion Post 17 in Manhattan.

A number of amendments to the bill were suggested by the representative of the Office of the Adjutant of the American Legion. Those suggestions were incorporated by the House Committee in the substitute bill.

The House substitute bill contained the following major differences from the original bill.

The Division of the Budget's fiscal note on the introduced version of the bill stated that enactment of the bill would have reduced state revenue by $1.6 million in FY 2000 and $1.75 million in FY 2001. According to the fiscal note, the introduced version of the bill also would have reduced revenue to local units of government in which bingo games are conducted by approximately $275,000 statewide. The fiscal note only included analysis of the sales tax reduction. The fiscal note did not estimate any improvement in bingo tax collection as a result of enactment of the bill. The fiscal note did not address any change in expenditures that might have resulted from moving the bingo enforcement from the Department of Revenue to the Racing and Gaming Commission. The changes made in the substitute bill that could have an impact on revenue could not have been addressed in the

fiscal note.

The interim Committee's complete report is available in Committee Reports to the 1999 Kansas Legislature: Part I-Special Committees, pg. 2-10. The report also can be accessed on the Internet at:

The interim Committee's work included review of two performance audits: Reviewing the Regulatory Activities of the Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (March 1998 No. 98-41) and Examining Bingo Tax Revenue Spending Levels By State and Local Units of Government (October 1998 No. 99-06) The Executive Summary of the former report and the full text of the latter report can be accessed on the Internet at: and REVENUE

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at