As Amended by Senate Committee of the Whole
Brief (1)
Senate Sub. for HB 2005, as amended, makes the following
changes in Kansas insurance laws:
- Requires insurance companies filing financial reports with the
Insurance Department to use the risk based capital instructions and formulas developed by the National Association of
Insurance Commissioners and in effect on December 31,
1999, and further, strikes the language requiring the Commissioner to adopt the instructions and formulas in rules and
- Amends one section of the Kansas Uninsurable Health
Insurance Plan Act by striking the January 1, 2001, sunset
date from the law and, additionally, amends the law pertaining to small group health insurance by deleting reference to
a board which was abolished earlier by the Legislature.
- Repeals four statutes, thereby subjecting the insurance
companies writing under those statutes to standard accounting procedures effective January 1, 2001. The Senate
Committee of the Whole amendment permits one Kansas
company to transition to standard accounting procedures in
a reasonable time and according to a plan approved by the
Insurance Commissioner.
- Allows mortgage insurance to be written on a mortgage loan
for 100 percent of the fair market value of the real estate.
(Current law allows for insurance up to 97 percent of the fair
market value of the real estate.)
HB 2005 was carried over from the 1999 Session. As
originally drafted the bill would have required all new mandates for
health insurance coverage or payments to providers be applied
first to the State Employee Health Care Plan before general
application to all health plans. The provisions of that bill were
enacted in 1999 SB 3.
The Senate Committee amendments delete the provisions of
HB 2005 as introduced and substitute language from 2000 SBs
440, 441, 443, and 444 previously passed by the Senate this
session but pending action in the House of Representatives.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at