Brief (1)
SB 533 would allow the Livestock Commissioner to charge and collect an on-site brand inspection fee and a mileage fee for each mile necessarily and actually traveled in going to and returning from the place of brand inspection. This would be in addition to the current per head fee for brand inspection.
In addition, the bill would amend a section of law (KSA 47-434) to delete obsolete provisions relating to having a person's livestock listed for property tax purposes during the preceding year in order to be qualified to initiate brand inspection or to repeal a county option brand inspection program. The amendment would require the person to have owned one or more head of cattle at anytime during the preceding year in order to qualify as a petitioner. An obsolete definition of the term "board" defined as the board of directors of the Kansas Livestock Association would be deleted.
This bill was introduced at the request of the Livestock Commissioner. At the hearing on the bill, the Livestock Commissioner told the Committee that Kansas has county option brand inspection. The Commission also indicated that there are three brand inspection areas in Kansas (Kearny, Hamilton, and Wichita counties). The Committee was told that some brand inspections do not pay enough to cover mileage, much less wages for the inspectors. A spokesperson from the Kansas Livestock Association also appeared in support of the bill. There were no opponents to the bill.
The House Committee on Agriculture amended the bill to redefine who would be a qualified petitioner for brand inspection decisions and to delete the obsolete definition of the term "board" which is defined to mean the Board of Directors of the Kansas Livestock Association. The proponent of this amendment explained that since livestock are no longer taxed that the provision needed amendment.
The fiscal note indicates that the Animal Health Department anticipates that it would charge $25 for an on-site inspection fee and mileage at the state's motor pool rate, which is currently $0.22 per mile for pickup trucks. The agency also anticipates that it would see additional revenues to the Animal Disease Control Fund of $775.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at