As Amended by House Committee on Judiciary

Brief (1)

S.B. 347 would reduce the size of the Kansas Parole Board from four to three members and would require a majority, rather than unanimous, vote to grant original parole to certain offenders. It would also require members appointed after the effective date of the act to have a college baccalaureate or higher degree. The bill amends provisions that pertain to the terms of office and how Board vacancies are filled. The bill also would allow the designation of two-member panels of the Board which would have the full authority and power of the Board.

The bill would allow the Parole Board to request the Governor to appoint temporary pro tem members of the Kansas Parole Board.

The appointment of the member pro tem would not be subject to confirmation by the Senate. The member pro tem would act in the place of a member of the Board for good cause shown or in any case of a conflict of interest or the absence, sickness, or disability of such member of the Board.

The House Committee deleted the provision regarding the appointment of Department of Corrections hearing officers. Other House amendments are technical.


The bill was supported by the Chair of the Kansas Parole Board. The bill would result in a $99,900 savings and this amount of savings already is reflected in the Governor's budget for FY 2000, according to the fiscal note.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at