As Recommended by House Committee on
Governmental Organization and Elections
The bill would enact an alternative procedure for the transfer
of land from one rural water district to another. The procedure
would include the following steps:
- �The landowner desiring to be released from one water district
and attached to another would have to file a petition with the
board of directors of the district in which the land is located
seeking the release. The petition would have to be signed by
at least 75 percent of the land owners of the affected land.
The bill specifies information that would have to be included
in the petition.
- �The board of directors would have to hold a hearing within 30
days of receipt of the petition. The bill would establish notice
requirements for that hearing.
- �On the date of the hearing, the board would have to approve
or disapprove the requested release based on the best
interests of the district and the petitioning landowners.
- �If the petition for release were granted, the landowner would
petition the board of the district to which the land would be
attached. The bill specifies the information that would have
to be included in the petition.
- �The second board would hold a hearing under the same time
constraints and publication requirements as the first board.
- �After both boards approve the petitions, copies of the
approvals would be filed with the chief engineer and the
county clerk.
The bill states that this procedure would be an alternative to
the existing statutory procedure and that provisions of the bill
would not limit use of that procedure.
The bill was supported by a representative of the Kansas
Rural Water Association at the hearing before the House Committee on Governmental Organization and Elections. In his testimony,
he stated that the transfer procedure in current law is appropriate
for large or controversial transfers because it allows sufficient time
for any concerns to be addressed by the water district boards
involved and by the county commission. The procedure embodied
in the bill was described as one that would speed the process for
transfers of small parcels of land.
The fiscal note prepared by the Division of the Budget states
that the bill would have no fiscal impact on state operations.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at