As Amended by House Committee on

Governmental Organization and Elections


The bill would amend the existing rule and regulation authority of the Kansas State Fire Marshal. The amendment would authorize the Fire Marshal to develop and implement a statewide hazardous materials assessment and response program. The bill also would authorize, but not require, the Fire Marshal to provide a toll-free telephone number for requesting responses to hazardous materials incidents.

Committee amendments to the bill are technical in nature.


The bill was introduced by the Special Committee on Federal and State Affairs as a result of its work during the 1998 interim. The bill would implement a recommendation of the Governor that the Fire Marshal be the state coordinating entity for response to hazardous materials emergencies. A number of state and local entities have responsibilities when a hazardous materials emergency occurs, however, there is no single entity to establish training and equipment standards, coordinate interlocal agreements, or coordinate responses. The bill would not change existing statutory hazardous materials responsibilities of other state or local entities.

The Division of the Budget's fiscal note for the bill shows that the Governor's budget recommendation for FY 1999 and FY 2000 includes expenditure of $24,995 and $456,113, respectively. The recommendation also includes authority for addition of 3.0 FTE positions to the Fire Marshal's office. The Governor's recommendation does not include an expenditure for the toll-free telephone number. The fiscal note indicates that the FY 1999 and FY 2000 costs for that service would be $417 and $5,000, respectively. All expenditures for the new program would be financed from the Fire Marshal Fee Fund. Revenue to that fund is from a tax on fire insurance premiums.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at