As Amended by Senate Committee on

Federal and State Affairs


The resolution would express the Legislature's encouragement to the citizens of Kansas to participate in observance of October 14 each year as Dwight D. Eisenhower Day in the state. The resolution also would request the State Board of Education to cooperate with the Eisenhower Library and the Eisenhower Foundation to develop programs and educational opportunities about President Eisenhower for Kansas' youth. The resolution would direct the Division of Tourism of the Department of Commerce and Housing to promote the Eisenhower legacy and the Eisenhower Library. The Kansas State Historical Society would be directed to assist the Library and the Foundation to preserve the Eisenhower legacy.


The resolution was introduced at the request of Senator Vidricksen. An accompanying bill, S.B. 57, was introduced, heard, and acted upon by the Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs at the same time as this resolution. The Governor submitted written testimony in support of the resolution. Proponents of the resolution at the hearing before the Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs included John Neal, Chairperson of the Eisenhower Commission; Lynda Scheele, Executive Director of the Eisenhower Foundation; Gary Slimmer, representing the Kansas American Legion; and Ramon Powers, Executive Director of the Kansas Historical Society.

The Senate Committee on Federal and State Affairs amended the resolution to request, rather than direct, involvement of the State Board of Education. Other Committee amendments are technical or clarifying.

1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at