H.B. 2686 would amend current law regarding the issuance of truck fleet license plates by the Division of Vehicles. The bill provides that:
H.B. 2686 was requested by the Kansas Motor Carriers Association (KMCA). The Director of Governmental Relations of KMCA testified that H.B. 2686 will simplify the annual apportioned fleet registration requirements for the carrier and, at the same time continue to provide safeguards to insure the proper collection of annual registration fees, property tax, fuel tax, and other regulatory fees. According to the spokesperson of KMCA, six states provide for permanent power unit license plates while 15 states provide for permanent trailer license plates.
There were no opponents to the bill.
According to the Department of Revenue, the Division of Vehicles would experience a savings of approximately $54,500 in reduced plate manufacturing costs and approximately $49,980 in reduced postage costs attributable to the mailing of new plates each year. Partially offsetting this reduction would be an increased cost, estimated to be $16,959, for programming changes necessary to implement provisions of the bill.
Under current law, the Division of Vehicles may issue a license plate or other suitable identification devices for each vehicle described in the application after payment of the appropriate fleet registration fees, title fees, and any other fees. If an identification device is issued a fee of $3 is charged and collected for each vehicle described in the application. The fee is in addition to any applicable fleet registration fees. The proration registration cab card is carried at all times in the vehicle or in the power unit.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at