H.B. 2676 would allow an owner of a mobile home park to remove a valueless home and personal property associated with the home after appropriate notice has been provided. In addition, the following conditions must be met:
the home has been abandoned;
no liens, other than a tax lien, exist; and
the value of the home and personal property associated with the home is equal to or less than the reasonable cost of disposal.
The bill would also allow a disinterested third party to remove the home providing the mobile home park owner receives no consideration. Protection is provided to disinterested third parties from the ownership interests of a previous owner or occupant.
Immunity would be provided to a person who allows the removal of a valueless home.
The Senate Committee of the Whole amendment permits foundations for piers for mobile homes to be constructed of other materials than concrete blocks and designs approved by the Secretary of Administration.
A conferee with the Kansas Manufactured Housing Association appeared in support of the bill.
The fiscal note indicates no fiscal impact.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at