As Amended by House Committee on Transportation
S.B. 236 relates to boating safety education and to Kansas
River issues.
Boating Safety Education
The bill would:
- require that on and after January 1, 1999, a person born on
or after January 1, 1987, possess a certificate of completion
of an approved boater safety education course before the
person could operate any motorboat or sailboat on the public
waters of the state;
- prohibit a person in possession of any motorboat or sailboat
from permitting another person born on or after January 1,
1987 from operating the motorboat or sailboat unless the
person to be operating the motorboat or sailboat has a
certification of completion of an approved boater safety
education course;
- require the Secretary of Wildlife and Parks to prescribe an
approved boater safety education course of instruction of not
less than eight hours and recognized by the United States
Coast Guard;
- give the Secretary the authority to allow the completion of
the course of instruction through a correspondence course;
- authorize the Secretary to charge a fee to cover the costs of
services, material, and supplies from any person enrolling in
an approved boater safety education course;
- authorize the Secretary to recognize similar certificates issued
outside of Kansas under certain conditions;
- exempt nonresidents who have been in Kansas for less than
30 consecutive days and persons who have been residents of
Kansas for less than 60 days from the requirement of
possessing a certificate of completion;
- authorize the Committee on Surety Bonds and Insurance,
within the limitations of appropriations, to purchase liability
insurance for the protection of persons engaged in conducting
an approved boater safety education course; and
- define "sailboat" to mean any vessel, other than a sailboard,
that is designed to be propelled by wind action upon a sail for
navigation on the water.
Kansas River Issues
These provisions would:
- designate certain reaches of the Kansas River as recreational
reaches and certain parts as multi-use reaches;
- provide that the reaches would be designated by river mile
marker, with 0 being where the Kansas River empties into the
Missouri River and 170.4 being where the Kansas River
begins near Junction City;
- designate river mile 0 (Kansas City) to river mile 51.8 (Lawrence) and river mile 72 (near Perry) to river mile 125 (near
Wamego) as multi-use reaches;
- designate River mile 51.8 (Lawrence) to river mile 72 (near
Perry) and river mile 125 (near Wamego) to river mile 170.4
(Junction City) as recreational use reaches;
- define multi-use reach to mean a reach of the Kansas River
where any use authorized or not prohibited by law is allowed;
- define "recreational use reach" to mean a reach of the Kansas
River where commercial and industrial activities that require
a permit pursuant to K.S.A. 82a-301 et seq. (these statutes
require a stream obstruction permit from the Division of Water
Resources of the Kansas Department of Agriculture) are
prohibited except for public water supplies, wastewater and
stormwater outfalls, electric utilities, flood control and
drainage works, bridges, or buried transmission lines and
- reaffirm that persons who commit any of the following along
the Kansas River would be subject to prosecution under the
appropriate statutes: criminal trespass; littering; injury to a
domestic animal; criminal hunting; obstructing, injuring,
damaging, or destroying property; or any other violation of
law; and
- require that before any public access, boating facilities,
ramps, or docks are built on the Kansas River, within or
adjacent to an existing drainage district, that the Secretary
obtain written approval of the proposed project from the
drainage district or from the owner of the property affected
by the location of the public access, boating facilities, ramps,
or docks.
The provisions relating to boating safety education were
introduced during the 1997 Legislative Session. Hearings were
held during the 1997 Session.
There was one conferee on the bill during the 1997 Session
who was a spokesperson from the Kansas Department of Wildlife
and Parks. A spokesperson from the Department reviewed the bill
for the members of the Committee during the 1998 Legislative
Session and responded to questions from Committee members.
The fiscal note on this bill was written in 1997. The note
states that the Department of Wildlife and Parks was unable to
determine the fiscal impact of the bill. The note also states that
the Department has not defined the specific way a boater's safety
education course would be administered.
The Senate Committee of the Whole amendments were
The House Committee incorporates the provisions of H.B.
2925 into S.B. 236.
1. *Supplemental notes are prepared by the Legislative Research
Department and do not express legislative intent. The supplemental
note and fiscal note for this bill may be accessed on the Internet at